In complex analysis, functions are studied that are differentiable (in the complex space) at almost all points. Zeroes and poles are very important concept.

Zeros are termed as points at which a function .

A Pole (also called an isolated singularity) is a point where the limit of a complex function inflates dramatically with polynomial growth.

More specifically, a point is a pole of a complex valued function if the function value tends to infinity as gets closer to . If the limit is finite, then is not a pole.

is a pole of order if:

What is done here is is multiplied by and then taking limit as approaches . If the result is not equal to , then is a pole.

Order of Zeros

let’s take an example of and . It has a zero at and it’s order is for and for , since has a repeated root. We say order of zeroes for is 1 and for , it’s 2. for rational functions (can be written as fraction), order of zero of whole function is . Generally, order of zero of a zero function is termed as infinity.

Similarly, take , order of poles for at is 1, and is 2.

Denote order of zero a holomorphic function at point by , extend the definition to meromorphic functions where are holomorphic, then .

  • , where .

Meromorphic Functions

Holomorphic function (also known as Analytic function) usually refer to functions that are infinitely differentiable.

Formal Definition:

Let G be an open set in . A function is called holomorphic if, at every point , the complex derivative

exists as a complex number where = complex realm.

Meromorphic Function is the ratio of two analytic function which are analytic except for poles.
