Suppose there are two parties Alice and Bob with private keys: and in group , then El-Gamal cryptosystem allows Bob to share a message as ciphertext and Alice to decrypt it.

Scheme :

  • : Choose generator , with order . Choose , calculate . .
  • : Choose , then .
  • : compute

El-Gamal PKC depends on DDH for it’s hardness and any adversary who has oracle that decrypts ElGamal ciphertexts, can use it to solve Diffie-Hellman problem. Prove that, if DDH is hard relative to , then .

We’ll show that scheme is EAV secure, and for PK scheme, all EAV secure schemes are CPA secure as well.

  • Run a reduction experiment using adversary that simulates encryption oracle for , with input where , where .
  • Sets . Runs .
  • Choose a uniform bit , and output ciphertexts as
  • outputs , outputs
  • if , output 1, else 0

Now, there are two possibilities, or , let’s analyse both:

  • When , then view of run as a subroutine by is identical to that of an experiment , where has no way of decrypting the ciphertext , and can only guess the bit. Thus .
  • When , then view of run as a subroutine by is identical to that of EAV experiment. Thus,
  • , we know from DDH assumption.