
an operation is called homomorphic if it follows:


An endomorphism is a homomorphism from an algebraic structure to itself. In other words, it is a map that preserves the structure’s operations and maps elements within the same structure.


Let be a group. An endomorphism of is a function such that for all .

Similarly, for a ring an endomorphism is a function such that for all .

In the context of vector spaces, an endomorphism is a linear transformation from a vector space to itself.


  1. Identity Map: The identity map defined by is an endomorphism.

  2. Matrix Multiplication: For the ring of matrices , the map defined by for a fixed matrix is an endomorphism.


An isomorphism is a bijective homomorphism. It is a map between two algebraic structures that preserves operations and has an inverse that is also a homomorphism.


Let and be groups. An isomorphism from is a bijective function such that

Similarly, for rings and , an isomorphism is a bijective function such that for all

In the context of vector spaces, an isomorphism is a bijective linear transformation.


  1. Vector Spaces: The map defined by is an isomorphism between the vector spaces and itself.

  2. Groups: The map defined by is an isomorphism between the group of integers under addition and the group of even integers under addition .

Properties of Isomorphisms

  1. Bijectivity: An isomorphism is both injective (one-to-one) and surjective (onto).
  2. Preservation of Structure: Isomorphisms preserve the algebraic operations, meaning that the structure of the original algebraic system is retained in the image.
  3. Inverse Map: The inverse of an isomorphism is also an isomorphism. If is an isomorphism, then there exists a map such that and .

Relation Between Endomorphisms and Isomorphisms

  • Endomorphism: A map from a structure to itself that preserves the operations. Not necessarily bijective.
  • Isomorphism: A bijective homomorphism between two structures that preserves the operations. An isomorphism between a structure and itself is called an automorphism.


An automorphism is a special case of an isomorphism where the domain and codomain are the same.


An automorphism of a group is an isomorphism from to itself. Formally, is an automorphism if it is a bijective homomorphism.


  1. Identity Map: The identity map is an automorphism of any group .
  2. Complex Conjugation: The map defined by (complex conjugation) is an automorphism of the field of complex numbers.

Automorphisms form a group under composition, known as the automorphism group of the structure.