Used to bring authenticity in pk-encryption setting.


  • publicly verifiable
  • transferable
  • non-repudiation

Definition: Digital signature scheme consists of three PPT algorithms:

Signature experiment: :

  • is run to obtain
  • has access to oracle, and outputs . Let be set of all queries by .
  • succeeds if and .

Hash-and-Sign paradigm: use a hash when a signature scheme of length is available, and messages are of longer length to create a digest of length as where .

rsa signatures



Digital Certificate: just a notion of public key signature binding the identity of a public entity to that public key.

Party signature should be trustworthy to be considered a certificate, and is generally known as Certificate authority (CA). Certificate can be used to build trust between two strange parties using a trusted party that notarises that indeed is the owner of the key.

  • Can build a web of trust using single CA, but susceptible to attacks and single point of failure.
  • Multiple CAs are usually configured on every browser, network devices which helps to decentralise the power a CA has.
  • Certificate Chain is employed where any root authority with a certificate gives power to the party to issue certificates as a proxy.
  • PGP: complete cypherpunk approach to web of trust. Anyone can issue a certificate for anyone else, and recipient has to choose whether to believe the authority issuing the certificate.
  • Revocation of certificates: using expiration or Certificate expiration list broadcasted by CA at periodic time.