DES encryption

DES is a symmetric encryption algorithm based on Feistel cipher. It has following properties:

  • Message block size is 64-bits.
  • Key size is 64 bytes, where every 8th bit is parity bits, so realized key size is 56 bits.
  • Encryption algorithm is based on Feistel cipher containing 16 identical rounds with new subkey for each round derived using Key Schedule algorithm.
  • Encryption algorithm divides 64 bit message into two halves of 32 bits and then, acted upon by round functions.
  • Due to structure of Feistel ciphers, encryption and decryption algorithms, only difference in decryption algorithm being subkeys are reversed.
  • Since, key size is 56-bits, it’s prone to brute force attacks, where exhaustive key search is done to calculate the key for known plaintext.

Implementation details

  • limbs of 8 bits are used to denote different types, i.e. 64, 56, 48, 32 in the encrpytion function.
  • all data is represented in big-endian order.
  • Refer to tests for detailed examples and attack vectors.
    • Known-plaintext attack: brute force approach using exhaustive key search on the complete key space, i.e .
    • Weak key attack: 4 weak keys are possible where encryption and decryption are same. This is only possible when all round subkeys are identical.
    • bit complement: DES has a nice property where and


Shuffles the bits according to permutation table based on indexes. Let’s understand this with an example from Simplified DES:

Let a 10-bit key be denoted as: , and a permutation table defined as:

Applying permutation to key , .


Permutation table length can vary according to the bits required in the output. Let’s say, if , then output will be only 2 elements of the key, i.e. . This is used throughout DES to reduce or increase data lengths.


DES uses substitution in the form of S-boxes in it’s encryption algorithm. Substitution is necessary, as it provides non-linearity in the cipher. Without non-linearity, DES’s encryption function could be represented as a set of linear equations on the secret key variable.

DES performs substitution on 6-bit data and gives 4-bit data. It’s implemented as a lookup table, where the row and column from the input data = is read as:

  • row: bits, i.e. 6th and 1st bit =
  • column: bits =

Thus, input data represents 3rd row, 4th column in the permutation lookup table.

Key schedule algorithm

derives 16 48-bit subkeys, 1 for each round.

  • Permutation choice-1: drops every 8th bit and permutes bits
  • 56-bit key is divided into two 28-bit halves.
  • left shift is applied to both halves depending on the key schedule round.
  • Permutation choice-2 is applied reducing 56-bit key to 48-bit subkey.
  • repeated for 16 rounds
flowchart TB
Key["Key 64-bit"]-->PC1
subgraph one [16 rounds]
PC2-->SK1[subkey 1]
PC22-->SK2[subkey 2]

classDef hidden display: none;

Encryption algorithm

16 rounds with five functions in the order:

  • Initial permutation (IP)
  • Feistel function (F): applies substitution and permutation to key
  • Mixing: mix two halves together
  • Switching: switches left and right halves
  • Final Permutation (FP)

Feistel function

Applies substitution, permutation to key which adds to the complexity of the function and increases cryptanalysis difficulty. For substitution, DES uses S-boxes that takes as input 8-bits and output is of length 6-bits.

flowchart TB
key--32 bits-->Exp[Expansion]
Exp--48 bits-->Mix["⊕"]
Sub[Subkey]--48 bits-->Mix
P--32 bits-->Output:::hidden
  • Takes as input one half of the key, 32 bits
  • use Expansion permutation to increase bits to 48
  • Mix the expanded key with round’s subkey using xor
  • Divides 48-bit output into 8 6-bits elements
  • Applies substitution using 8 S-boxes to each element
  • Applies permutation using permutation table to get 32-bit output