
Download this file and save to your Obsidian Vault including the first line, or open it in “Raw” and copy the entire contents to Obsidian.

This script expands the height of the selected rectangles until they are all the same height and keep the text centered.

See documentation for more details: https://zsviczian.github.io/obsidian-excalidraw-plugin/ExcalidrawScriptsEngine.html

const elements = ea.getViewSelectedElements();
const topGroups = ea.getMaximumGroups(elements);
const allIndividualArrows = ea.getMaximumGroups(ea.getViewElements())
	.reduce((result, group) => (group.length === 1 && (group[0].type === 'arrow' || group[0].type === 'line')) ? 
			[...result, group[0]] : result, []);
const groupHeights = topGroups
  .map((g) => {
    if(g.length === 1 && (g[0].type === 'arrow' || g[0].type === 'line')) {
      // ignore individual lines
      return { minTop: 0, maxBottom: 0 };
    return g.reduce(
      (pre, cur, i) => {
        if (i === 0) {
          return {
            minTop: cur.y,
            maxBottom: cur.y + cur.height,
            index: i,
        } else {
          return {
            minTop: cur.y < pre.minTop ? cur.y : pre.minTop,
              cur.y + cur.height > pre.maxBottom
                ? cur.y + cur.height
                : pre.maxBottom,
            index: i,
      { minTop: 0, maxBottom: 0 }
  .map((r) => {
    r.height = r.maxBottom - r.minTop;
    return r;
const maxGroupHeight = Math.max(...groupHeights.map((g) => g.height));
for (var i = 0; i < topGroups.length; i++) {
  const rects = topGroups[i]
    .filter((el) => el.type === "rectangle")
    .sort((lha, rha) => lha.y - rha.y);
  const texts = topGroups[i]
    .filter((el) => el.type === "text")
    .sort((lha, rha) => lha.y - rha.y);
  const groupWith = groupHeights[i].height;
  if (groupWith < maxGroupHeight) {
    const distance = maxGroupHeight - groupWith;
    const perRectDistance = distance / rects.length;
    const textsWithRectIndex = [];
    for (var j = 0; j < rects.length; j++) {
      const rect = rects[j];
      const rectLeft = rect.x;
      const rectTop = rect.y;
      const rectRight = rect.x + rect.width;
      const rectBottom = rect.y + rect.height;
      const textsWithRect = texts.filter(text => text.x >= rectLeft && text.x <= rectRight
        && text.y >= rectTop && text.y <= rectBottom);
      textsWithRectIndex[j] = textsWithRect;
    for (var j = 0; j < rects.length; j++) {
      const rect = rects[j];
      rect.y = rect.y + perRectDistance * j - perRectDistance / 2;
      rect.height += perRectDistance;
      const textsWithRect = textsWithRectIndex[j];
      if(textsWithRect) {
        for(const text of textsWithRect) {
          text.y = text.y + perRectDistance * j;
      // recalculate the position of the points
      const startBindingLines = allIndividualArrows.filter(el => (el.startBinding||{}).elementId === rect.id);
     	for(startBindingLine of startBindingLines) {
     		recalculateStartPointOfLine(startBindingLine, rect);
     	const endBindingLines = allIndividualArrows.filter(el => (el.endBinding||{}).elementId === rect.id);
     	for(endBindingLine of endBindingLines) {
     		recalculateEndPointOfLine(endBindingLine, rect);
await ea.addElementsToView(false, false);
function recalculateStartPointOfLine(line, el) {
	const aX = el.x + el.width/2;
    const bX = line.x + line.points[1][0];
    const aY = el.y + el.height/2;
    const bY = line.y + line.points[1][1];
	line.startBinding.gap = 8;
	line.startBinding.focus = 0;
	const intersectA = ea.intersectElementWithLine(
				[bX, bY],
            	[aX, aY],
    if(intersectA.length > 0) {
		line.points[0] = [0, 0];
		for(var i = 1; i<line.points.length; i++) {
			line.points[i][0] -= intersectA[0][0] - line.x;
			line.points[i][1] -= intersectA[0][1] - line.y;
		line.x = intersectA[0][0];
		line.y = intersectA[0][1];
function recalculateEndPointOfLine(line, el) {
	const aX = el.x + el.width/2;
    const bX = line.x + line.points[line.points.length-2][0];
    const aY = el.y + el.height/2;
    const bY = line.y + line.points[line.points.length-2][1];
	line.endBinding.gap = 8;
	line.endBinding.focus = 0;
	const intersectA = ea.intersectElementWithLine(
				[bX, bY],
            	[aX, aY],
    if(intersectA.length > 0) {
    	line.points[line.points.length - 1] = [intersectA[0][0] - line.x, intersectA[0][1] - line.y];