alternative to Stream Ciphers, used in Symmetric Encryption, pseudorandom generators.

  • Block ciphers are another name for Pseudorandom permutation.
  • can create stream ciphers with IV from block ciphers

Modes of Operation

  • ECB:
    • deterministic, so not CPA-secure. Not even EAV-secure. Try proving this, if you forgot.
    • can be parallelised easily.
  • CBC: cipher block chaining
    • IV chosen uniformly and , then
    • sequential in nature, although decryption can be parallelised as inputs to block cipher’s encryption is just the ciphertext
    • If is PRP, then CBC is CPA-secure. Can be proven by equating with a PRF and a similar proof that was done in CPA-secure encryption from PRF.
    • chained CBC, where ciphertext is chained for subsequent encryptions.
      • But it’s not CPA secure, as attacker can distinguish between PRF and uniform random function by choosing appropriate text in second encryption.
  • OFB: output feedback
    • IV is chosen uniformly and , then and .
    • this allows to not be invertible, and can be simply a PRF.
    • Due to this, OFB can be used to encrypt plaintext of arbitrary lengths and not have to be multiple of block length.
    • pseudorandom stream can be preprocessed and then encryption can be really fast.
    • it’s stateful variant can be used to instantiate stream cipher’s synchronised mode of operation and is secure.
  • CTR: counter mode
    • can be viewed as unsynchronised stream cipher mode, where for binary string and .
    • this again allows to not be invertible and can be instantiated with a PRF.
    • can be fully parallelised.
    • can be proven CPA secure if is PRF. TODO.
      flowchart TB
  • GCM mode: Galois counter mode
    • also used to create MAC

Block cipher considerations

  • CBC, OFB, CTR modes need uniform IV in order to be CPA secure, otherwise adversary can learn information about messages.
  • IV needs to be large enough to encrypt multiple messages. For example, in CTR mode with length IV, probability of repeating IV for is (Not that large with today’s standards).
  • CTR assumes to be PRF, but most block ciphers’ block functions are PRPs which are proven to be indistinguishable from PRF with large block length, but invoking PRP each time incurs a security loss. TODO, prove this.
  • IV repetitions break OFB and CTR mode trivially.
  • if IV is not uniform, i.e. IV predictions happen, then CBC mode breaks, although CTR mode is secure.

Nonce-Based encryption

  • uses non-repetitive nonce during encryption and decryption to prevent against
  • can be instantiated from CTR mode by using non-repetitive nonce instead of IV
  • CPA security is assumed from CPA security of encryption based on PRF by defining a modified oracle that takes a nonce, and two messages, and returns
