
format the left to right mind map


Mind map is actually a tree, so you must have a root node. The script will determine the leftmost element of the selected element as the root element (node is excalidraw element, e.g. rectangle, diamond, ellipse, text, image, but it can’t be arrow, line, freedraw, group)

The element connecting node and node must be an arrow and have the correct direction, e.g. parent node children node


The order of nodes in the Y axis or vertical direction is determined by the creation time of the arrow connecting it

So if you want to readjust the order, you can delete arrows and reconnect them


Script provides options to adjust the style of mind map, The option is at the bottom of the option of the exalidraw plugin(e.g. Settings Community plugins Excalidraw drag to bottom)


  1. since the start bingding and end bingding of the arrow are easily disconnected from the node, so if there are unformatted parts, please check the connection and use the script to reformat
let settings = ea.getScriptSettings();
//set default values on first run
if (!settings["MindMap Format"]) {
  settings = {
    "MindMap Format": {
      value: "Excalidraw/MindMap Format",
        "This is prepared for the namespace of MindMap Format and does not need to be modified",
    "default gap": {
      value: 10,
      description: "Interval size of element",
    "curve length": {
      value: 40,
      description: "The length of the curve part in the mind map line",
    "length between element and line": {
      value: 50,
        "The distance between the tail of the connection and the connecting elements of the mind map",
const sceneElements = ea.getExcalidrawAPI().getSceneElements();
// default X coordinate of the middle point of the arc
const defaultDotX = Number(settings["curve length"].value);
// The default length from the middle point of the arc on the X axis
const defaultLengthWithCenterDot = Number(
  settings["length between element and line"].value
// Initial trimming distance of the end point on the Y axis
const initAdjLength = 4;
// default gap
const defaultGap = Number(settings["default gap"].value);
const setCenter = (parent, line) => {
  // Focus and gap need the api calculation of excalidraw
  // e.g. determineFocusDistance, but they are not available now
  // so they are uniformly set to 0/1
  line.startBinding.focus = 0;
  line.startBinding.gap = 1;
  line.endBinding.focus = 0;
  line.endBinding.gap = 1;
  line.x = parent.x + parent.width;
  line.y = parent.y + parent.height / 2;
 * set the middle point of curve
 * @param {any} lineEl the line element of excalidraw
 * @param {number} height height of dot on Y axis
 * @param {number} [ratio=1] ,coefficient of the initial trimming distance of the end point on the Y axis, default is 1
const setTopCurveDotOnLine = (lineEl, height, ratio = 1) => {
  if (lineEl.points.length < 3) {
    lineEl.points.splice(1, 0, [defaultDotX, lineEl.points[0][1] - height]);
  } else if (lineEl.points.length === 3) {
    lineEl.points[1] = [defaultDotX, lineEl.points[0][1] - height];
  } else {
    lineEl.points.splice(2, lineEl.points.length - 3);
    lineEl.points[1] = [defaultDotX, lineEl.points[0][1] - height];
  lineEl.points[2][0] = lineEl.points[1][0] + defaultLengthWithCenterDot;
  // adjust the curvature of the second line segment
  lineEl.points[2][1] = lineEl.points[1][1] - initAdjLength * ratio * 0.8;
const setMidCurveDotOnLine = (lineEl) => {
  if (lineEl.points.length < 3) {
    lineEl.points.splice(1, 0, [defaultDotX, lineEl.points[0][1]]);
  } else if (lineEl.points.length === 3) {
    lineEl.points[1] = [defaultDotX, lineEl.points[0][1]];
  } else {
    lineEl.points.splice(2, lineEl.points.length - 3);
    lineEl.points[1] = [defaultDotX, lineEl.points[0][1]];
  lineEl.points[2][0] = lineEl.points[1][0] + defaultLengthWithCenterDot;
  lineEl.points[2][1] = lineEl.points[1][1];
 * set the middle point of curve
 * @param {any} lineEl the line element of excalidraw
 * @param {number} height height of dot on Y axis
 * @param {number} [ratio=1] ,coefficient of the initial trimming distance of the end point on the Y axis, default is 1
const setBottomCurveDotOnLine = (lineEl, height, ratio = 1) => {
  if (lineEl.points.length < 3) {
    lineEl.points.splice(1, 0, [defaultDotX, lineEl.points[0][1] + height]);
  } else if (lineEl.points.length === 3) {
    lineEl.points[1] = [defaultDotX, lineEl.points[0][1] + height];
  } else {
    lineEl.points.splice(2, lineEl.points.length - 3);
    lineEl.points[1] = [defaultDotX, lineEl.points[0][1] + height];
  lineEl.points[2][0] = lineEl.points[1][0] + defaultLengthWithCenterDot;
  // adjust the curvature of the second line segment
  lineEl.points[2][1] = lineEl.points[1][1] + initAdjLength * ratio * 0.8;
const setTextXY = (rect, text) => {
  text.x = rect.x + (rect.width - text.width) / 2;
  text.y = rect.y + (rect.height - text.height) / 2;
const setChildrenXY = (parent, children, line, elementsMap) => {
  x = parent.x + parent.width + line.points[2][0];
  y = parent.y + parent.height / 2 + line.points[2][1] - children.height / 2;
  distX = children.x - x;
  distY = children.y - y;
  ea.getElementsInTheSameGroupWithElement(children, sceneElements).forEach((el) => {
    el.x = el.x - distX;
    el.y = el.y - distY;
  if (
    ["rectangle", "diamond", "ellipse"].includes(children.type) &&
    ![null, undefined].includes(children.boundElements)
  ) {
    const textDesc = children.boundElements.filter(
      (el) => el.type === "text"
    if (textDesc !== undefined) {
      const textEl = elementsMap.get(textDesc.id);
      setTextXY(children, textEl);
 * returns the height of the upper part of all child nodes
 * and the height of the lower part of all child nodes
 * @param {Number[]} childrenTotalHeightArr
 * @returns {Number[]} [topHeight, bottomHeight]
const getNodeCurrentHeight = (childrenTotalHeightArr) => {
  if (childrenTotalHeightArr.length <= 0) return [0, 0];
  else if (childrenTotalHeightArr.length === 1)
    return [childrenTotalHeightArr[0] / 2, childrenTotalHeightArr[0] / 2];
  const heightArr = childrenTotalHeightArr;
  let topHeight = 0,
    bottomHeight = 0;
  const isEven = heightArr.length % 2 === 0;
  const mid = Math.floor(heightArr.length / 2);
  const topI = mid - 1;
  const bottomI = isEven ? mid : mid + 1;
  topHeight = isEven ? 0 : heightArr[mid] / 2;
  for (let i = topI; i >= 0; i--) {
    topHeight += heightArr[i];
  bottomHeight = isEven ? 0 : heightArr[mid] / 2;
  for (let i = bottomI; i < heightArr.length; i++) {
    bottomHeight += heightArr[i];
  return [topHeight, bottomHeight];
 * handle the height of each point in the single-level tree
 * @param {Array} lines
 * @param {Map} elementsMap
 * @param {Boolean} isEven
 * @param {Number} mid 'lines' array midpoint index
 * @returns {Array} height array corresponding to 'lines'
const handleDotYValue = (lines, elementsMap, isEven, mid) => {
  const getTotalHeight = (line, elementsMap) => {
    return elementsMap.get(line.endBinding.elementId).totalHeight;
  const getTopHeight = (line, elementsMap) => {
    return elementsMap.get(line.endBinding.elementId).topHeight;
  const getBottomHeight = (line, elementsMap) => {
    return elementsMap.get(line.endBinding.elementId).bottomHeight;
  const heightArr = new Array(lines.length).fill(0);
  const upI = mid === 0 ? 0 : mid - 1;
  const bottomI = isEven ? mid : mid + 1;
  let initHeight = isEven ? 0 : getTopHeight(lines[mid], elementsMap);
  for (let i = upI; i >= 0; i--) {
    heightArr[i] = initHeight + getBottomHeight(lines[i], elementsMap);
    initHeight += getTotalHeight(lines[i], elementsMap);
  initHeight = isEven ? 0 : getBottomHeight(lines[mid], elementsMap);
  for (let i = bottomI; i < lines.length; i++) {
    heightArr[i] = initHeight + getTopHeight(lines[i], elementsMap);
    initHeight += getTotalHeight(lines[i], elementsMap);
  return heightArr;
 * format single-level tree
 * @param {any} parent
 * @param {Array} lines
 * @param {Map} childrenDescMap
 * @param {Map} elementsMap
const formatTree = (parent, lines, childrenDescMap, elementsMap) => {
  lines.forEach((item) => setCenter(parent, item));
  const isEven = lines.length % 2 === 0;
  const mid = Math.floor(lines.length / 2);
  const heightArr = handleDotYValue(lines, childrenDescMap, isEven, mid);
  lines.forEach((item, index) => {
    if (isEven) {
      if (index < mid) setTopCurveDotOnLine(item, heightArr[index], index + 1);
      else setBottomCurveDotOnLine(item, heightArr[index], index - mid + 1);
    } else {
      if (index < mid) setTopCurveDotOnLine(item, heightArr[index], index + 1);
      else if (index === mid) setMidCurveDotOnLine(item);
      else setBottomCurveDotOnLine(item, heightArr[index], index - mid);
  lines.forEach((item) => {
    if (item.endBinding !== null) {
const generateTree = (elements) => {
  const elIdMap = new Map([[elements[0].id, elements[0]]]);
  let minXEl = elements[0];
  for (let i = 1; i < elements.length; i++) {
    elIdMap.set(elements[i].id, elements[i]);
    if (
      !(elements[i].type === "arrow" || elements[i].type === "line") &&
      elements[i].x < minXEl.x
    ) {
      minXEl = elements[i];
  const root = {
    el: minXEl,
    totalHeight: minXEl.height,
    topHeight: 0,
    bottomHeight: 0,
    linkChildrensLines: [],
    isLeafNode: false,
    children: [],
  const preIdSet = new Set(); // The id_set of Elements that is already in the tree, avoid a dead cycle
  const dfsForTreeData = (root) => {
    if (preIdSet.has(root.el.id)) {
      return 0;
    let lines = root.el.boundElements.filter(
      (el) =>
        el.type === "arrow" &&
        !preIdSet.has(el.id) &&
        elIdMap.get(el.id)?.startBinding?.elementId === root.el.id
    if (lines.length === 0) {
      root.isLeafNode = true;
      root.totalHeight = root.el.height + 2 * defaultGap;
      [root.topHeight, root.bottomHeight] = [
        root.totalHeight / 2,
        root.totalHeight / 2,
      return root.totalHeight;
    } else {
      lines = lines.map((elementDesc) => {
        return elIdMap.get(elementDesc.id);
    const linkChildrensLines = [];
    lines.forEach((el) => {
      const line = el;
      if (
        line &&
        line.endBinding !== null &&
        line.endBinding !== undefined &&
      ) {
        const children = elIdMap.get(line.endBinding.elementId);
          el: children,
          totalHeight: 0,
          topHeight: 0,
          bottomHeight: 0,
          linkChildrensLines: [],
          isLeafNode: false,
          children: [],
    let totalHeight = 0;
    root.children.forEach((el) => (totalHeight += dfsForTreeData(el)));
    root.linkChildrensLines = linkChildrensLines;
    if (root.children.length === 0) {
      root.isLeafNode = true;
      root.totalHeight = root.el.height + 2 * defaultGap;
      [root.topHeight, root.bottomHeight] = [
        root.totalHeight / 2,
        root.totalHeight / 2,
    } else if (root.children.length > 0) {
      root.totalHeight = Math.max(root.el.height + 2 * defaultGap, totalHeight);
      [root.topHeight, root.bottomHeight] = getNodeCurrentHeight(
        root.children.map((item) => item.totalHeight)
    return totalHeight;
  const dfsForFormat = (root) => {
    if (root.isLeafNode) return;
    const childrenDescMap = new Map(
      root.children.map((item) => [item.el.id, item])
    formatTree(root.el, root.linkChildrensLines, childrenDescMap, elIdMap);
    root.children.forEach((el) => dfsForFormat(el));
const elements = ea.getViewSelectedElements();
await ea.addElementsToView(false, false);