This post highlights my read of the year, probably too late in 2023, but better late than never, right?
- [Introduction to modern cryptography by Katz, Lindell]
- Proofs, Arguments and Zero Knowledge
- The Last Question by Isaac Asimov
- Rust Atomics and Locks by Mara Bos
- Miyamoto Musashi: The Book Of Five Rings
- Harry Potter and Method of Rationality
- Dune
- The Bibliography of a Writing Life
- The joy of X by Steven Stogratz
- Inifinite powers by Steven Stogratz
- Chaos by James Glieck
- In search of Schröndinger’s Cat by John Gribbin
- The Art of Learning - Josh Waitzkin
- art-of-discovery
- The myth of freedom - Chogyam Trunpa Rinpoche
- Starting strength - Mark Rippetoe
- John Boyd: The Fighter Pilot who Changed the Art of War - Robert Coram
- Left hand of darkness — Ursula Le Guin
- Flow - Mihalyi Csikszentmihalyi
- Tempo - Venkatesh Rao
- anything by Robert Caro or Ron Chernow
- The Little Prince - Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
- Candide - Voltaire
- After many Summers Dies a Swan - Aldous Huxley
- The Idiot - Fyodor Dostoevsky
- The Prince - Niccolò Machiavelli
- Proof and Art of Mathematics - Joel David Hamkins
- What I talk about when i talk about Running - Haruki Murakami
- [Surely You’re Joking Mr. Feynman]
- Think Like a Grandmaster
- [Art of Security Assessment]
- [Art of computer programming]
- [Philosophy of Set theory]
- Levels of Infinity: Selected Papers on Mathematics and Philosophy - Hermann Weyl
- Philosophical Essays - Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz