Hello friend,

I always wanted a corner of my own on this wild zoo that we call internet, and finally made one. I’m Sambhav Dusad and I try to write as much to slow down my brain. It’s mostly my thoughts and notes which I occasionally write after having some trash thought.

Presently, I work as an independent contributor at Pluto working on Web Proofs to any fun software that I find, and have discovered my love for complex engineering and writing. I am a big fan of OSS and try to contribute as much as I can to some mind-blowing projects made and maintained by truly amazing folks. Previously worked as a Software Engineer at CRED, did 2 fun internships at Nethermind and konVera.

My curiosity generally takes me to some unseen and uninviting places. Currently, it’s all about applied cryptography and privacy. You’ll find me contributing to ronkathon, which is what i’m using to learn cryptography from scratch.